A user asked about the best or newest way to deploy/update ControlUp Remote DX on IGEL. The Igel firmware release 11.08.230 includes ControlUp Agent and the user asked how to activate this feature. The user was given advice to move away from Real-Time but add them to Edge DX. As of 11.04 and earlier, the user was advised to use a custom partition. There is a bug that prevents the user from connecting after June last year, though. The user can download the ControlUp Remote DX Agent install script for IGEL devices using OS v11.05.152 and test it on OS v11.07.198.
Read the entire ‘Deploying ControlUp Remote DX on IGEL Devices’ thread below:
Dear community,
What is the best or newest way to deploy/update controlUp (remote dx) on IGEL? At the moment we are using custom partition of ControlUp (timestamp of the files Sept. 2021) and unfortunately a few clients do not show any more data in controlup console.
IGEL firmware release 11.08.230 includes ControlUp Agent How can we activate this feature?
Thank you
there are 2 different things: remote dx, which data is only visible through the session data see downloads and install docs linked from here: Download Center – ControlUp
For the mgmt of the device itself we strongly suggest to move away from Real-Time but have these added to Edge DX. You can still add them but due to some changes in the Igel image we haven’t been able to connect for a while. Also for Real-Time the custom partition hasn’t been required anymore for a while but you need to be on an older Igelos version.it was 11.04 and below that required the custom partition. After that it wasn’t needed anymore and we could always connect over 22 until that later version causing an issue on our side.Thanks a lot for this info. We will test new profile of Remote DX. Is there any visible process in the taskmanager of the client which schould run after deploying?
We’ve had trouble deploying it recently and have a case open with support
You don’t need to deploy anything anymore for real-time post 11.05. But we do have a bug where we can’t connect to later versions after June last year
Do you know which firmware versions are affected?
Not from the top of my head, what was released somewhere June last year?
We have used the following “ControlUP – Remote DX Agent” install script (see below) for our IGEL devices using OS version v11.05.152. We had to stop using “ControlUP – Remote DX Agent” because it was causing the Citrix connections between the IGEL devices to the Citrix session to disconnect. We were informed a while ago this issue has been resolved, and we are now working on testing this again on our IGEL OS v11.07.198.
Is this script still vaild to use on IGEL OS v11.07.198?
cat /wfs/cuRemoteDXcitrix.sh
place entry on /var/log/syslog
logger Starting ControlUp Remote DX cuepux deploy
for evergreen deployment get the latest Remote DX binary X86 / X86_64 ONLY
define variables
logger "Checking cuepux internet conectivity"
Check internet conectivity
if : >/dev/tcp/; then
logger ‘cuepux Internet available.’
logger "cuepux No internet Conectivity"
Check if there is a newer version of the file
logger Checking last version cuepux from our website.
cd /wfs
wget -N $uri 2>&1 | logger
sleep 3
chmod 555 /wfs/cuepux.dll
alternative: use UMS to transfer the cuepud.dll file to /wfs/
ln -s /wfs/cuepux.dll /services/ica/ICAClient/.
If cuepux not found in module.ini insert the necessary entries
if [grep "cuepux" /services/ica/ICAClient/config/module.ini]; then
logger Citrix module.ini includes cuepux . Exiting install script.
logger Adding the Remote DX cuepux entries in Citrix module.ini
sed -ie ‘s/^VirtualDriver.*$/&, cuepux/g’ /services/ica/ICAClient/config/module.ini
sed -ie ‘/^Thinwire3.*/a cuepux = On’ /services/ica/ICAClient/config/module.ini
sed -ie ‘/^\[Clipboard\]/i \[cuepux\]\nDriverName = cuepux.dll\n’ /services/ica/ICAClient/config/module.ini
Copy the cuepux entries to the syslog
logger Report cuepux entries in Citrix module.ini
cat /services/ica/ICAClient/config/module.ini | grep -B 3 -A 3 cuepux | logger
sleep 6
chmod +x /wfs/cuRemoteDXcitrix.sh
/bin/bash /wfs/cuRemoteDXcitrix.sh
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