The user asked about executing scripts in ControlUp – this can be done with an MFA authenticated token or API Key. Dennis has the Powershell to do this, and Wouter advised combining specific scripts and tags examples to do this. Developer mode was suggested as a helpful trick to learn.
Read the entire ‘How to Execute Scripts in ControlUp’ thread below:
i see i can lookup scripts in the docs but nothing regarding executing oone
You can. But it requires an MFA authenticated token.
i got that
No it doesn’t anymore, this was changed a couple of weeks ago to also be accessible using an api key.
$body = '{"type":"RUN_SCRIPT","data":"0E5AP3YBJnySHs4Vl1as"}'
where 0E5AP3YBJnySHs4Vl1as is the script ID
typically, I just look at what the UI does and… take inspiration from that
Yeah developer mode is your friend 🙂
i need to learn this dev mode trick
i’m really good at scripting, maybe dev level but i’m lacking some of the skills
Dennis do you have the powershell, for that?
Wouter do you have access to the examples now?
I don’t have them in a single script but if you combine my tags & scripts examples you’re golden. And since the next question would be device tags I am adding that one as well 😄
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