A user was having an issue with Windows-based thin clients not showing up properly on Edge DX when the device image was sysprepped and reinstalled. Edge has a UID stored in the programdata folder which marks the device as unique. To solve this issue, the UID must be removed before sealing the image, and then a new UID will be generated when the Edge agent is restarted. The UID file can be found in C:\programdata\Avacee\sip_agent\cachefiles.
Read the entire ‘How to Make Edge DX Recognize Windows-Based Thin Clients’ thread below:
we have some windows based thin clients (10zig) that we are starting to install the Edge DX plugin onto. Issue is the device shows up but when we sysprep the image we use on these clients and reinstall the Edge DX client it almost seems like Edge thinks the new one that we deploy the image to is the old one (almost like it is reading the same mac address or sid or something). our 10zig manager see’s them as 2 unique devices though so not sure if theres something on Edge that look at a different variable?
Edge has a UID that is generated when you install the agent. Its in the programdata folder. This is what tells Edge the device is unique.
You should be able to stop the Edge agents and then remove the file before sealing the image. Next service start a new UID will be generating making the Edge device unique.
ahhh gotcha so i must need to clean that up in my image then probably
perfect thanks for the quick response! i’ll test it out!
do you know which file that is by chance? i see a few things but just for my records
awesome thank you
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