In order to have a script take action on a workstation and prompt the active user to reboot, various options were discussed, such as Toast Framework, Msg.exe, and Executables available in Edge DX. Edge DX has a local Executable to send customizable messages without the need of API, which can be used for the task. More information about Edge DX and Invoke-CUAction can be found in the ControlUp Support website (
Read the entire ‘Prompting Users to Reboot with Script Actions – ControlUp Solutions’ thread below:
If i have a script take action on a workstation, and i want the active user to reboot asap. what are my options besides email? Can i cause a message to be displayed on the screen via the agent ?
There are several ways to pop up a message.
Best looking is using the Toast framework.
Iirc @member had a sample script that somebody wrote for Edge DX lying around.
i was hoping that i could utilize the send message feature between the console and the agent
Starting 8.8 you can 😄 has to run on a monitor thoughI think the question is regarding Edge, Dennis.
in this instance i’ve enabled TPM on a few stragglers that didnt have it setup and i want them to reboot asap to apply the TPM settings. I’d love a popup asking them to reboot.
I don’t think sending a message is in the API, and if it is you would need to put an API key in the script.
Oh right. It helps if I read the channel name
Msg.exe I think will be easiest option
If you’re willing to accept "as is" (IE no support) scripts. I can share the toast message script we use in our demo Edge tenant
Toast looks way better than msg, but msg.exe is nice and fast solution though:
msg * "Reboot now or suffer the consequences"
Edge dx has local executable for small messages that you can utilize
funny enough i tried the msg out and we are working on bitlocker so…..
@member I think that the Executable that you are thinking of is
"C:\Program Files\Avacee\sip_agent\UserPrompt.exe" "Reboot your device, damn it!!!"
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