A user asked about setting a service account for a Monitor – the user had already created the shared credential with the necessary permissions. The user was unsure if the Monitor needed an additional service account when performing actions requiring the ‘Allow Log on as a Service’ permission. It was clarified that the shared credential could be set as the Monitor service account / domain identity through the ControlUp Console. The user found the article ‘User Permissions in ControlUp’ (https://support.controlup.com/docs/user-permissions-in-controlup) helpful.
Read the entire ‘Clarifying Service Account for a Monitor in ControlUp’ thread below:
Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is a place that I should be assigning a service account for a Monitor to use?
I have created a shared credential intended for the Monitor service account. It has ‘ Allow Log on as a Service’ and ‘Allow log on locally’ permissions over the Monitor.
I deployed the Monitor service using the Console and it has created ControlUp Monitor service running as Network Service.
This article lists when the ‘Allow log on locally’ permission would be used by a Monitor https://support.controlup.com/docs/user-permissions-in-controlup?highlight=service%20account
But, how does the Monitor know that I want it to use my intended Service Account for when it is performing actions that require ‘Allow Log on as a Service‘ ? I have multiple shared credentials.
Hey Marcus. This is where you set the Monitor service account / domain identity.
ahhh right okay so I misunderstood that as needing an additional service account to do that connection. I created a second one just for an AD Connection account.
Oops! Many thanks for the quick answer and clarifying the terminology for me
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