The user was unsure if "0" meant "not connected" or "1" meant "connected" when setting up a trigger for cloud connectors in the ControlUp platform. The user was informed that by exporting the view in the realtime console, the CSV will contain numeric values for the column; connected = 1 and disconnected = 2. They can also check the Stress Level Dialog for other enumeration values. Dennis suggested adding a note regarding the values into the trigger dialog as well. The user agreed to look into this.
Read the entire ‘Numeric Values for Connectivity in ControlUp Triggers’ thread below:
Hello. Working on setting up a trigger to alert if our cloud connectors lose connectivity. I see there is a filter for this, but does “0” equal “not connected” and “1” equal “connected”? Thanks!
To verify you can always export the view in the realtime console and check the CSV for the data for this column. It will be one of those numeric values if its showing that here.
Thanks Sir. This is exactly what I needed. Despite my best efforts, learned something new today.
Connected = 1, Disconnected = 2
Ugh. Now two things. Thanks Dennis.
The stress level dialog tends to have helper text for those types of enumerations.
This is especially helpful for the more exotic lists of values.
Wouldn’t have even thought to go into the Stress Level Settings for that info. Thanks!
We should probably have those notes in the trigger dialog as well though. They’re kind of hidden in the stress level dialog
u could also just say not equal to one.
@member See Dennis’s point about adding it to the trigger dialog
right, thanks, will take this into consideration
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