A user asked if there was a way to track disk space trend analysis. The feature was well-received and the team suggested adding a “free disk space” chart to their Machine Trends report. They also discussed adding it to the Sizing Recommendations report, since the Streaming Project will impact the current metrics they were planning to include. The Streaming Demo was held recently and it was decided that the project would fit well with existing historical PVS & GPU metrics.
Read the entire ‘How to Track Disk Space Trend Analysis in ControlUp Real-Time DX?’ thread below:
IS there any way to see disk space trend analysis ? yes we see the current free space, we also use the trigger with quite som SBA’s but there are situations that the scripts kick in, but we would like to see trends somehow
Decent feature request, once our “Streaming project” is live, we should easily add a “free disk space” chart to our machine Trends report
Will ask out Data / Reporting PM to add this to the backlog
Maybe also add it to sizing recommendations report?
SIzing recommendations will change from all sides after the streaming project
to allow for only real usage hours etc
we had an internal streaming demo last monday and it looks great!
@member it would be a great fit here among the historical pvs & gpu metrics
Hi @member and @member, first I would like to thank you for your feedback. Both of your requests are currently in our pipeline as part of the streaming project.
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