A user asked if there is a report that can show client OS, but realizes that it requires RemoteDX to accurately report. Landon points out that the Client OS can be found in the Session Activity report. The only way to detect the client OS without RemoteDX is by using the ICA version and a lookup table of those versions.
Read the entire ‘How to View Client OS in ControlUp Reports’ thread below:
is there a report available that will show the client OS? Windows, MAC, Linux
Yes, the Machine Statistics report has the OS as a column (screenshot is from our demo environment)
Edit: ah Client OS right, good looks Landon 😅
Client OS would be in the Session Activity report.
Client OS requires RemoteDX though, doesn’t it?
I’m sure it would as the only way to detect client OS without it is by ICA version and a lookup table of those versions.
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