A discussion about the Scoutbees Maintenance Windows being greyed out or disabled in the UI design. The issue is brought up that this is not workable for those with a lot of maintenance windows (e.g. MSPs). Another user asks about keeping the scout enabled but snoozing the alerts, and it’s mentioned that this feature will be available in Q1. However, the idea of adding time of day as a condition for an alert is suggested for more flexibility in the future.
Read the entire ‘Improving Flexibility for Scoutbees Maintenance Windows in ControlUp UI Design Discussion.’ thread below:
Should the Scoutbees Maintenance Windows be greyed out or something when disabled?
No, I think the only way to find out is by clicking the 3 dots
That is not great UI design. @member this is not really workable if you have a lot of maintenance windows (e.g. MSPs)
Also, is there a way to keep the scout enabled but snooze the alert?
You can disable an alert. But if you mean surpressing repetitive alerts, that’s coming in Q1
I have some scout last that I’d like to keep running over night and just have the alert suppressed. If we could add time of day as a condition for an alert, I feel that would add a lot of flexibility
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