A user asked for help with installing the curdx_windows_citrix plugin alongside the Edge DX client during a POC. Another user provided a helpful link to the ControlUp documentation for remote DX installation and the conversation ended with a positive comment about the helpful nature of the community.
Read the entire ‘Installing ControlUp Plugins During a POC’ thread below:
Hello everyone. We are in a POC currently and we are in the process of installing the Edge DX client on some test devices. One thing we would also like to install is the curdx_windows_citrix plugin. For the Edge DX download, the Web GUI gives is a one liner to install it behind the scenes. is it possible to do that with the curdx_windows_citrix plugin? Thank you.
Hey Mike, does this help? https://support.controlup.com/docs/windows-remote-dx-installation#msi-command-line-install
Yes. Thank you. Sorry about that. I should have checked. When I downloaded it previously, it was an EXE. I didn’t realize there was an msi. Thank you again.
np 🙂
that’s what the community is for
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