When looking at user sessions in ControlUp Console, state "Down" can happen briefly during session logoff. This was observed in 20-30% of session logoffs. The "Down" state can indicate a closed session due to an error, and remote access might be possible via RDP. Users should try this next time the "Down" state appears.
Read the entire ‘Investigating ‘Down’ State in ControlUp Console User Sessions’ thread below:
I have a question about the states in ControlUP Console. The state “active”, “disconnected” is known to me, what does the state “Down” mean ?
session states? They’re directly taken from Win32 API. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wtsapi32/ne-wtsapi32-wts_connectstate_class
WTSDown tends to happen very briefly during session logoff. Though not always. I don’t know why. But it seems to be pretty common. As in ~20-30% of sessions I’ve investigated for a customer issue in the past. The down status seemed to be normal/expected part of some logoffs. So we ignored it
@member talking about user sessions?
@member Yes, Citrix VDA session
And what status is the actual VDA. is it in a hibernated status? I think down is what the VDA is is a sleep status when the user is away and the session is not active or disconnected
i might be wrong, what status dose it say in studio and director?
In this case it was a strange situation, because for a particular station 2 sessions were visible, one as “disconnected” or “active”, the other with the status “down” persisted for several days … until the restart of the station. Maybe it is in fact the case that the “down” status falls on sessions that were closed due to some error … Director unfortunately showed only the second session that was either active or disconnected, it did not interpret the “down” session at all
Are yu able to RDP onto the VDA? is there any Process running for that other sesssion?
Already unfortunately the station is after a reboot, it does not maintain this strange session, good question, come on this station these 2 sessions were for the same user… the question is whether he could have had remote access via RDP and then locally logged in to the station and for either of these sessions simply an error caused a “Down” status
something to try next time
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