For some EUC Scouts, ‘Couldn’t get SessionReady from the session’ is marked as ‘failed’ despite the screenshots appearing successful. The duration of the logon might be too short, so increasing it and using baseline images may help resolve the issue. In one instance, the issue was caused by Scoutbees reconnecting to a disconnected session, leading to 12 hour-long failed Scouting, even though the connection was successful.
Read the entire ‘Investigating "Failed" EUC Scouts in ControlUp’ thread below:
We sometimes get EUC Scouts which show as ‘failed’ and ‘Couldn’t get SessionReady from the session’ even though when we check the screenshot it looks like a successful connection. The published app or full desktop is displayed in the screen grab. Is this just a timeout that needs changed in the Scout config? I have a theory that the Scout might sometimes be connecting to a disconnected session which explains why the screengrab looks to show a successful connection but the scout might report this as ‘failed’.
do u use the baseline image?
and how long is the logon
same here, we often get this message with this settings
thats why i was asking what was the logon time as the time out maybe to short
logon duration of scoutbees user is 18 seconds
Hi – not used Scoutbees for a few months, set it up again this morning and getting the same thing. The session connects fine, takes a screenshot – but marked as failed.
Tried increasing the session timeout from 120 to 140, same issue. Citrix reckons it logs on in 19 seconds anyway.
I noticed for one of my Scouts i was getting ‘Couldn’t get SessionReady from the session’ for 12 hours approx even though the baseline image looked as expected. After checking historical logs I can see the session was logged in for 12hours 15 mins therefore the issue was due to Scoutbees reconnecting to a disconnected session and not performing a full logon. Although the session should have logged off it would be good to not have these marked as failures since the connection was actually successful.
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