The user asked about incorrect data being displayed in ControlUp’s FS Logix Disks column, despite 190 active sessions. After confirming the agents are running on 8.8 and there is no Citrix Profile Management installed, the FS Logix Health column still shows ‘Healthy’ in the RTC console.
Read the entire ‘Investigating Incorrect FS Logix Disks Data in ControlUp’ thread below:
Hello Guys Good morning! have a question regarding the data that is being displayed for fslogix disks…We have a customer where fslogix parameters do not seems to function as expected …. as per the current scenario ..when we have currently 190 sessions active for the customer we should be seeing around 300+ disks in fslogix disks columns. However f we dont see all the active profile – fslogix disks data in controlup! It do not show more than 10-12 disks inthe gslogix disk column…any suggestions on this please?
Are all your agents upgraded to 8.8?
yep 8.8 above
Citrix Profile Management installed?
Nope, we dont have cpm installed..
In the RTC console, machines view, FS Logix Health column, does it show "Healthy"?
yeah, healthy in state
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