A user asked about the row limit of data returned via the API – they needed to use Export to CSV for 65k max. To retrieve this data, the user should add to the end of the URL, ‘export=true’. Thanks to Wouter, the user now knows how to gain this data.
Read the entire ‘Retrieving Data via ControlUp API’ thread below:
Is there a 5000 row limit to data returned via API? In the portal it says there are 10000+ items. However the api data for the index counts up to 5000.
You need to use export to csv for the 65k max
And yes that can also be used with the api
Have an example?
has no mention of fetching a CSV.
In the Eurostar back home now but use developer mode in a browser and use the export button 😉
you think to highly of me.
Export to CSV
$LSUReportURL = ‘https://acme.sip.controlup.com/api/data/INDEX_NAME?export=true‘
Just add to the end this part and i get all the data?
Thanks Wouter. I just gained a skill i didnt know i had.
onto the next
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