A user asked if the Logon Duration Script measured Citrix Profile Management – it does and the "Enable requirements for Logon Duration Analysis" script should be run for maximum functionality. Sivan mentioned a training course on it exists in the ControlUp Academy and the information is also available in a ControlUp Webinar (https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/entry/controlup-analyze-logon-duration-after-hours-an-extended-webinar-qa/).
Read the entire ‘Does Logon Duration Script Measure Citrix Profile Management?’ thread below:
Anyone know if the logon duration script does any measurement of Citrix profile management?
I have not used it with that myself, but it should.
I’ll give it a test
Side note, you may want to run the script "Enable requirements for Logon Duration Analysis" to make sure all functionality is enabled on your system
^ this!
Thanks for the reminder Sivan.
I juuuuuussst trained this 2 hours ago lol
Is there a training course on it @member or ?
We had a good round of updates to the scripts earlier this year. The Webinar is worth the time if you’re interested.
@member we show how to use this script during the Administration course 🙂
And btw, the answer to your question is in the blog post Tony linked to
Thank you
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