User was not receiving any mail alerts even though there were failures in the dashboard, and Teamshook alerts were not showing. After disabling and re-enabling the alerts policies, the issue was solved. Support indicated a potential issue with the backend. To investigate, they asked if enabling/disabling the scout or alert policy made a difference. The response was that re-enabling was a lucky attempt, as the issue was due to an issue on the backend side.
Read the entire ‘Investigating Mail Alerts Issues in ControlUp’ thread below:
Hi, we aren’t getting any mail alerts since Wednesday morning even if we see failures on the dashboard. We use also the teamshook but we didn’t got alerts even there. Is there a general problem, maybe since the general MS 365 services issue?
@member this might need some investigation
i had to disable/enable all alert policy to solve the issue. Fortunately we only have 40 scouts 😥
Hi Simon,
Happy to hear this was solved.
We are not aware of such an issue and will check into this.
@member – If you enabled/disabled the scout do you know if that made a difference? Or did you specifically had to enable/disable the alert policy?
Hi, no this was only a lucky attempt, cause we didn’t got any mails anymore and the support told me that there were any issues on the backend side
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