A user asked if anyone was using ControlUp’s controllers pane to monitor Master/Golden Images for software changes. Triggers can be used to alert when msiexec.exe is detected. The install date cannot be used, but it is roughly equivalent to a WMI query.
Read the entire ‘Monitoring Master/Golden Images with ControlUp’ thread below:
Is anyone using ControlUp to monitor Master/Golden Images for software changes? We want to stay on top of changes that may be pushed down to these images that we may not be aware of.
We are starting to test the use of Triggers to alert when msiexec.exe is detected but wondering if anyone else is already doing something we can model? Thanks!
Hello David. Have you taken a look at our controllers pane? You can see the different version but using the color codes in the legend.
don’t use install date. Thats the operating system install date. It’s a little different. But it’s roughly equivalent of this WMI query
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