The user asked why disk metrics were not showing up, checked if the machines had the Agent connected, and discussed setting triggers for the C drive. Another member encountered Prefmon and language pack issues, and put in a ticket. The trigger settings were discussed as well. Title: Troubleshooting Missing Disk Metrics with ControlUp Agent
Read the entire ‘Investigating Disk Metrics Issues in ControlUp’ thread below:
anyone know why im not getting any disk metrics? ive stopped/started the monitors, etc.
I assume those machines have the agent and it’s connected?
that is correct
Interesting. If you drill into one, what do you see in the logical disk view?
aha there it shows me free disk space. interesting
Yeah. You can alert on those columns but that doesn’t explain the computer column. You probably need agent logs. If you want to dive in we will probably need a support case.
Yes Im definately going to setup a trigger for % free space on C: for these MCS machines.
You should be able to do an advanced trigger with free space and drive letter. Scope it for the folder with those machines.
now, i wonder how I could run a script against the computer (enable maintenance mode) that has the logical disk without space. Since they’re not the same tables.hmmm.
Yeah, you should be able to.
yeah, i guess MACHINE is a field int he logical disk record type. coolio
thanks for the ideas @member
@member can you see the values in Prefmon? it might be corrupted
I had a customer case with @member where the network stats where missing because of the presence of the MUI… Do you have any language pack installed on the machine @member?
Our trigger has
From state >10%
To state <=10%
It seems to perform better
@member u ever figure out what was the issue
Nope. I put in a ticket yesterday and they’re taking a peek
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