A user asked about numerical sorting in custom reports with ControlUp. It was suggested that the data must first be interpreted when creating an index, meaning numbers must be read as numbers. If uploading decimals, multiplying them by 1000 can be a workaround. URLs mentioned were not included.
Read the entire ‘Numerical Sorting in Custom Reports with ControlUp’ thread below:
Is there a way w/ a custom report to be able to sort numerically (lowest to highest)? if i click the column header on this for example it DOES sort but not how it should)
So ControlUp wants everything to be a string, so you get sorting like this where its based on ABC order, not Integer.
To make use of ControlUp and get the reporting like i wanted i use the API and pull the data out and manipulate it with Powershell to what i need and then export it to a dashboard for example.
ahh gotcha thanks for the input! not a huge deal really…just thought i’d check if there was anything i could do w/ this setup too but all good
The data is interpreted the first time the index is created. For example an index I write to using a script on an interval.
You do have to make sure you’re actually passing a number and not a string though. "100" is different than 100.
I think your issue is most likely that it is a decimal. I’m not sure if the indexes still support decimals or if they will force them to be a string. There used to be an issue where:
• Your initial upload of a field contains a number that isn’t a decimal (IE 100)
• The next set of data IS a decimal (99.9)
Now the index has a problem. Because it thought you were uploading full numbers. Not decimals.
Workaround for that? Don’t upload decimals. Multiply by 1000 or something to prevent decimals.
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