A user noticed that 3pm-3:59pm had many employees experiencing Outlook Classic freezing. ControlUp may have further analysis of incidents like this on their roadmap and it is suggested to contact @member for further information. Deeper analysis is expected in Q2 2025.
Read the entire ‘Outlook Classic Freezing and ControlUp’s Roadmap for Root Cause Analysis’ thread below:
When I go to the Employees tab and look at 3pm to 3:59pm, I can see a bunch of employees had Outlook Classic freeze on them. It’s good to know that users are having issues, but does ControlUp show any other info that tells me why it’s freezing up on users so I can fix it?
I believe further root cause analysis is still on the roadmap, but @member might be able to shed a light
Correct, the deeper analysis of app freezes (and other incidents) are on the current roadmap. You will start to see these appear in Q2 2025.
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