A user asked about using ControlUp’s shell execution feature in production and shared an example of a script that tests a file share every few minutes. It was suggested to grant everyone access to the file share, or to create a text file with everyone having access. The user mentioned System on the custom hive not having access to network shares and requested the ability to run shell scripts under a service account.
Read the entire ‘Using ControlUp’s Shell Execution Feature in Production’ thread below:
Hi folks, started testing the shell exexcution with a custom hive and i like the feature. Someone already using in in prod? Can you maybe give some examples of scripts you are using, to get ideas that can give us added value in monitoring our system?
We have an application that relies on a network share to be 100% available. I have a shell execution that tests the file share every few min. Kind of basic but seems to function well.
I assume you had to grant everyone full to the share to get that to work?
Yes. Actually I created a text file and gave everyone access to that file. A bit more secure.
The shell scripts run as system on the custom hive which by default won’t have access to network shares. I have a feature request in to allow shell scripts to run under a service account.
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