A user asked for suggestions on how to report on user connections with poor latency, signal strength, and RTT. They could utilize the Network Dashboard to report on top bad latency, longest traceroutes, plus pull data from Configuration > Data > device_status and set alarms to alert on select fields. They can also export the data from ControlUp into MS Excel for more complex reporting. Futhermore, more features are in the roadmap to expand reporting in the future. Links to two articles were provided for more information.
Read the entire ‘Reporting Poor Connections in ControlUp’ thread below:
fun one to bounce off the group for suggestions………we have some remote users w/ crappy internet connections (speeds, latency, RTT, etc) that routinely complain that they think its fine. We are being asked to prove that their connections are subpar in a report. I was curious if theres a way I can utilize an Edge PS script that feeds into a report or if something built in already w/ Edge to give me some metrics on that. I know things like latency can look bad on a bad connection from time to time so kind of looking if i can do this historically somehow
Latency and wifi quality are historically availablebif you drill down on the single machine
true…..what i’m being asked to do though is provide a report to show who the “worst connections” are to prove it that way rather than them giving me a specific person that i can drill down to get that info …see what i mean?
The network dashboard shows top bad latency, longest traceroutes, etc.
All the network info is stored in the database and you can pull it from it by clicking configuration > data > device_status. Select the fields you want to report on. If you are using wifi_signal_strength set min to 1 as wired connections will be reported. Select the timeframe you want to report on.. Click Create Custom Report if you want to run the report on a regular bases.
You can also set alarms to notify you when latency, wifi are bad for a device. you can do this from the devices home page
or by configuration > alerts> add alerts. Select the fields you want to alert on.
here is an older article I wrote that goes over creating reports. https://virtualizationreview.com/articles/2021/06/18/controlup-edge-dx-3.aspx
Here is another one https://support.controlup.com/docs/custom-reports-in-edge-dx
BTW with reports if I want fancy reports I export them (via csv) to MS Excel.
fantastic! was really hoping there was some way to tap into the existing data there so i’ll definitely see if i can build a report off of it! thanks for the help! now first glance i see i can pull a report by desktop name….possible to build a report w/ that, latency data AND the user? (only reason i ask is i believe i was told you cant currently build a report w/ data from different indexes
quick question, w/ this report can you tell me what value the latency_result_1 is in? is it ms? and if i set the report to show the last month is there a way to show me say the average of each device name (rather than individual entries for every sample from each device if that makes sense
or maybe easier, is there a way to take the latency chart from the network dashboard and expand it to show more than the top 5 maybe? i’m sure i could just read the links you sent me too to figure this out hey 🙂
Glad I could be of help.
The results are in ms.
No way to get an average directly from the report.
Information can be only be pulled from one index, and as the latency is from the device rather than the user it reports it as such.
To work around these issues I pull the data in a spread sheet or database.
No way to increase the number from more than 5 on the chart.
That said all the items you mentioned are on our roadmap!
good to know thanks! so is there any suggestion how to manually setup a spreadsheet w/ that latency by device data in the short term to show more or not so much? i only ask because my boss has to give some kind of “proof” about how many users we have w/ crappy connections at home so scrambling to see what i can dig up
thank you for the help here by the way!
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