Alerts were returning multiple entries and were causing scripts to be run multiple times, resulting in timeouts. Eugene proposed to investigate and a hotfix was applied, solving the issue.
Read the entire ‘Resolving High Alerts Issue with Hotfix’ thread below:
Good day
Hope all are doing well on this Thursday Morning (Almost weekend )
Anyone else seeing this in Alerts
Alerts are returning 3 entires (And most of our alerts are going to a MS Teams channel meaning that the channels gets 3 notification )
The screenshot is just for the Windows Wifi signal is low , but im getting this on all our alerts
macOS and Windows , and also whats happening is that the scripts that are licked to these alerts then try to run 3 times and time out and does meaning that it does not run
Please use 🧵 Eugene 😉. I know we are investigating something similar, will ping some people for the status of it.
Thank you
Sorry , keep on doing that
got word that a hotfix should be going out coming weekend.
Thank you, Seems that this is resolved
we no longer have 1000s of alerts
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