The user was testing Logon Duration Analyse script on a Citrix environment but it wasn’t showing in the Community Scripts window. Suggestions included reimporting SBA.sql or deleting the ControlUp Store folder. After restarting the services and console, the scripts were appearing normally. Thanks to the support provided by other members.
Read the entire ‘Resolving Logon Duration Analyse Script Issues in Citrix Environment’ thread below:
Hi, every! I have one Proof of concept in my new client testing real-time dx with focus on Citrix. I trying to testing "Logon Duration Analyse" script but his not show on community scripts windows. And i checked the list have a only 11 scripts… Has anyone had this problem?
Hmmz @member any idea?
Is this an On-Prem installation or Cloud?
If first you can fix it maybe by reimport the SBA.sql file.
I just tested the WebService access live, and it reports 416 scripts, which is what I’d expect.
However, I’m not convinced that’s the interface the Realtime console uses to fetch its scripts.
If this is cloud it may be a corrupt cache. Close the console and delete the ControlUp Store folder. Relaunch the console. It may take a couple minutes for the scripts to populate after deleting this folder.
Hi, friends! I restarting the services and console after this action the scripts show normally. I received this error in others PoC’s in past. I will be check in others clients.
Thank’s for the support!
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