The discussion centered around the possibility of retaining the scout’s historical data when a hive has to be deleted. Currently, a user can change the scout to a new hive but the data associated with the previous hive can’t be retrieved. The user suggested having the option to group multiple EUC scouts into one widget and retain their results, to help monitor a large Citrix silo effectively. The speaker clarified that the feature being discussed is about running the same scout from multiple hives, rather than grouping tests for multiple targets into a single scout.
Read the entire ‘Retaining Historical Data of Scouts from Deleted Hives’ thread below:
When removing a custom hive, is there a way to keep the scout’s historical data within the portal? At the moment, it seems that scouts have to be deleted in order to remove the hive. When the devices/servers running custom hives are replaced, we would like to keep the scout testing records for performance and reliability review.
Not looked in a bit but I thought was a feature if you create another custom hive you can move the scout to the new hive. If not i think suppurt can move it from the back end but worth saking
Good idea. That would be a nice feature to have one day. In some cases, we decommission scouts/hives from certain locations and want to keep the test result for future data analysis.
what i would like for that is if you could pull the data via API in to our own database
I assume you are referring to an EUC scout that can run only from a single hive?
Not really, the question is more about how to retain the previous scout test results if the hive has to be deleted.
You for non EUC scout you can edit the scout and change the hive.
and here are the results of the change, you can see that there is only one hive configured
I see what you meant. I am aware of this feature. Is there any plan to bring it to EUC scouts? Not only it helps retain the test results but also might help organize multiple EUC scouts for the same app within one "widget" (of course, use different accounts to avoid session roaming). To monitor a large Citrix silo with hundreds VDAs effectively, more than one scout is required. Right now, we have to create multiple EUC scouts for the same app. It would be nice if we can group all scouts for the same app into one, just like Network scout.
Can you clarify: The feature I copied above is about running the same scout from multiple hives.
It looks like you are looking to group tests for multiple targets into a single scout.
Is that correct?
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