The user asked about PowerShell profiles and how to see the settings that are applying, and if OneDrive could be causing confusion. It was suggested to check the $profile, $profile.currentuserallhost and allusersallhosts commands, as well as the provided links from Microsoft, and the host (Powershell-ISE, Visual studio code, powershell.exe, etc) might also be introducing settings. The issue was eventually solved due to an extra tick.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting PowerShell Profiles and Settings’ thread below:
I have a newbie powershell question related to PS profiles. Is there a way to see what settings are applying and from what PS profile? Thanks in advanced
As far as I’m aware your profile is essentially just a powershell script that runs when you start a powershell instance.
You can see the current profile with $profile though
yeah there is $profile but also $profile.currentuserallhost and allusersallhosts etc…which i checked those but i am not seeing anything in them but still seems like something is overwriting my settings. well specifically my oh-my-posh theme. i have it working fine on other machines just don’t know what i did lol 🥴🙂
as far as I’m aware, the host (Powershell-ISE, Visual studio code, powershell.exe, etc) can introduce things as well and
Though again, depending on the host you use, things might be different.yeah, and i am wondering is Onedrive might be adding to the confusion since it syncs the profiles are in the documents folder
the culprit was an extra tick ` i guess my wife is right i need some glasses. lol. For some reason it was defaulting to a theme instead of just breaking so that was throwing me off. Thanks for the assistance..
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