A user suggested creating a script to generate log bundles with logs from ControlUp infrastructure servers such as SBA, COP, IOP, etc. An example of such a script was AppSense-Support.vbs and this was used to successfully retrieve the logs. The ControlUp Script Library includes a script (https://www.controlup.com/script-library-posts/deploy-log4net-for-controlup-processes/) for generating log bundles for Cloud components, although it is more complicated to do so for on-prem components due to the large size of the logs.
Read the entire ‘Suggestion for Script to Create Log Bundles with ControlUp Infrastructure Servers’ thread below:
Have you thought about a script to create log bundles from CU infrastructure servers such monitors, cop, sop, iop etc.?
At least the windows servers one shouldn’t be too hard to get all monitor logs from on SBA
If there’s a cu agent on the monitors etc…
What do you think?
AppSense-Support.vbs? 😄
It was dirty but it did the job! I should have written it in PowerShell but ain’t hindsight wonderful (and the only exact science 🙂)!
Kind of does this for cloud components.
On-prem components is a bit more complicated. The logs can be rather large. I’m not sure if we (ControlUp) ever ask for all the web service logs.
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