A user had an issue with setting a trigger for a target folder in a delivery group under the EUC Environment - the EUC was connected and visible, but saving the trigger returned the error that the target folder doesn't exist. After troubleshooting with other members, closing the console and removing the ControlUp profile from Roaming App Data was suggested as a solution.
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Delivery Groups Related Support Archives
Delivery Groups training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
How to get a lis of what users/groups have access to all of my Delivery Groups with ControlUp
A user asked for a script that would quickly list the users and groups that have access to all of their delivery groups. It was suggested to use the Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule command with no parameters, however included groups needed to be resolved to get a list of users. A CU_ProcessADObject script was provided to recursively process underlying groups.
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Read the entire article here...
Tracking Stress Levels of Delivery Groups in ControlUp
A user asked about a metric that would help track stress levels of delivery groups for computers, but they couldn't find anything similar under folders. Another user suggested that the load was determined by the number of sessions the server can handle. The user thanked the other user for their insight and mentioned their drive with page file and RAM cache can only host 7-11 users on different sites.
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Read the entire article here...
How to Easily Keep Track of View in ControlUp Solve?
A user was having difficulty keeping track of their views when moving between locations in Solve. They wanted the ability to have set the same default view everywhere, which is currently not a feature. Dennis suggested that the configuration for the views can be found in a file, and an API endpoint exists to save presets, but difficulties in table configuration and view translation remain. Chris commented to review the notes given by a member and Dennis updated that this behavior is not intuitive and is highly prioritized.
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Read the entire article here...
How to get the Number of Machines in Maintenance Mode in a ControlUp Dashboard
The user looked for a metric to get the number of machines in maintenance mode for a dashboard. Currently, the "CVAD Maintenance Mode" metric displays if the machines are in maintenance mode or not, but "Available Machines" or "Available Delivery Groups" may be more useful, as they represent machines not in maintenance mode. A real count of maintenance machines or alternative metric adding availability while excluding "in use" would also be helpful. Custom widgets drilldown will soon be available.
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Read the entire article here...
EUC sync scripts is not fetching the updated objects added to the delivery groups
An issue was being discussed where EUC (end user computing) sync scripts were not fetching updated objects added to delivery groups. In addition, there was a question asked about cost management for azure provision workloads, with responding comments about scripts for cost reports, as well as ideas for a script that would track the cost of a particular machine. The conclusion was for further discussion about these requirements in a call the next day. KBA feedback for the EUC sync script was also requested.
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Read the entire article here...