Users reported seeing duplicate actions on Edge DX when accessing devices through either a Mac or Windows device. It was determined to be a bug and it will be reported to the Edge DX team. The Microsoft Edge version was 119.0.2151.58 (Official build) (arm64).
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Google Chrome Related Training & Support Archives
Google Chrome training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Understanding App Load Time in ControlUp
A user asked if there is a document outlining how App Load Time works. There is only one App Load Time entry for Edge and Chrome, and ControlUp will only monitor the app load time for the first app it sees. More information can be found at
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HTTP Scout Fails With Status Code 200 OK
HTTP Scout check failed with a status code of 200 OK and a pattern of "{“status”:“ok”}". The scout had been functioning correctly for several weeks and tests on other custom, public, and servers are working, but the scout does not. When testing in a browser, the user gets the result of "{“status”:“ok”}" which clears when removed and then recreated. A fix is in process and Ehud has offered to provide logs if needed.
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How to use ControlUp Edge DX to create a report of installed BIOS versions of your devices?
A user asked about creating a report to display machine name, model, and BIOS versions, and was advised to use Edge scripting and SIP DATA tags to convert WMI objects to JSON. To make sure the data is current, they were also advised to overwrite the data each time, and to use their own index. Certifications were also recommended. The article at was provided for reference. The user ultimately managed to create the desired report.
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What is the Highest I/O Process Consumer in an Environment?
A user asked about the highest I/O process (IOPS) consumer in their environment and found the software reporter as a Google Chrome "Extra". It was clarified that the IOPS indicator on the current Insights report referred to both disk and network IOPS, and that this is distinguished in the upcoming "Streaming" App Trends report, with accompanying charts. The new version is awaited.
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Investigating High Machine CPU Equation in ControlUp
A user noticed that their machine was at 95% CPU, but the total of individual processes running only summed to 1%. It was suggested to check system sessions, and the user concluded that when adding those to the equation, the numbers almost matched. Controlup shows all processes no matter how many are running in the same session. The CPU value for machines also includes system processes which are always running, so the machine value will always be slightly higher.
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Joining session data with client_name using session_object_guid with Splunk app usage search
The user was struggling to join session data with their search results to include the client_name as an additional column. It was determined that the process_base source should use the session_object_guid to join the session_base to find the client_name. A joining process was outlined that would filter the subset of session to less than 50k. The user asked for an example of this process and was provided with one. The final result should include date, time, username, client_name, computer_name, and process_name.
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Creating ControlUp Triggers and Scheduled Reboots in ControlUp
The user asked for best practices when creating triggers in ControlUp and shared their own "findme" trigger for testing automated actions. This trigger is based on an active application title and can be used to fire the trigger when needed. They then covered the use of scheduled triggers for reboot schedules, with examples and providing a filter example with regex. Finally, a trigger for Wi-Fi signal strength, with an example of a created toast notification, was mentioned. Trigger Packs from ControlUp were also included in the post. The Trigger Packs link can be found at
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