PowerShell Related Training & Support Archives
PowerShell training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Unveiling Powerful New ControlUp Automations: Agent Upgrades, FSLogix Alerts, and More
Gathering logs through ControlUp Academy and PowerShell scripts
A discussion took place about using ControlUp Academy to gather logs via PowerShell scripts. Hosting a CDN in Azure was suggested as a solution. However, another user suggested creating a function instead that would prompt for the log location and then download it as a .txt or .log file. This would be helpful in situations where users don't have time to provide logs or are VIPs. The idea was also brought up to consolidate all log-related ideas into one to put pressure on product management. There was also a question about whether input can be prompted in EdgeDX or ControlUp for Desktops.
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Automating Server Names in PowerShell Scripts Using ControlUp
A user is asking for help with a PowerShell script, specifically on how to automate getting the server name from ControlUp for actions performed on the server. Suggestions were provided to utilize arguments and the ControlUp support documentation at https://support.controlup.com/docs/script-based-actions-sba
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Finding App Launch Instances on Endpoints with ControlUp API
A user asked how to find the number of instances of an app launched on endpoints over a specific period of time. Another user provided a Powershell script that can be used to retrieve this information from the ControlUp API. The script can be modified to change the start and end date-times. The response also included a screenshot of the values for "citrix.desktopviewer.app.exe" for a demo tenant.
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Sending Email Alerts for ControlUp Folder Event Messages
The team discussed how to send an informational email alert when an event is triggered within the ControlUp folder. Different members offered their expertise and suggestions, including using the ControlUp Academy, creating a Windows Event Trigger, and incorporating a PowerShell script to format the email's body. Ultimately, the team concluded that ControlUp does not allow triggering actions based on informational events, but recommendations were made to run a scheduled trigger or use task scheduler to execute the script at regular intervals.
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ControlUp Scripts for Intune Compliance Checks
A user is interested in a ControlUp script to force an Intune Compliance Check on a Windows Device. While there is no official script available, it is a potential future roadmap item for Secure DX. Other users suggest creating a PowerShell script and setting it as an action on the device. A recommendation is made to include a check that ensures the correct components are installed on the device.
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Understanding the “Public DNS Name” Setting in ControlUp Monitor
A user asked for clarification on the purpose of "Public DNS Name" in the monitor settings. Another user explained that this parameter is used for deploying a monitor using powershell, particularly for monitors in Azure or AWS. A ControlUp support documentation link was provided for more information. This setting is used to specify the address on which the monitor exposes port 443 for outbound agent connections.
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Exporting Cache Drive Usage Data Using ControlUp and PowerBI/Excel
A user asked how to export cache drive usage data to PowerBI/Excel for a customer who wants historical data. A scheduled trigger can be used with a specific query to retrieve the information and export it to a CSV file. Another user shared a tip on using wildcards in the query to retrieve data from specific folders.
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How to Script Force Reset VM in ControlUp
A user asked if it is possible to script the Force Reset VM action in ControlUp. Another user shared a code snippet that uses the Invoke-CUAction and Invoke-CUQuery commands to reset the VM name that is passed through arguments. This can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/invoke-cuaction
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