A user asked about running a script with administrative privileges through an SBA. It was confirmed that the SBA runs in the system context on the remote machine, so administrative rights should already exist. A workaround of utilizing scheduled tasks was suggested, however the user mentioned that this was too complicated to get through their security team, and proposed the option to use shared credentials. It was mentioned that shared credentials can be used while copying files and to utilize a service account with admin rights when performing software installations.
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PowerShell Related Training & Support Archives
PowerShell training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
How to View Logs from BlueScreenViewer in ControlUp Edge DX?
A user asked for help running a script from ControlUp Edge DX, which was not producing any output. It was suggested to check the JSON output and the website link was shared for more info. It was also clarified that when running the script manually, the output showed Unhealthy - BSOD found. Finally, the new BSOD dashboard was mentioned and it is expected to go into production this weekend, which the user was excited to hear.
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Determining Language in ControlUp Realtime DX
The question was asked about how the language is determined in ControlUp Realtime DX. It was observed that the console inherits its locale according to the culture set in the environment where it is started, with examples provided on how to do so in PowerShell. It was noted that the calendar used is in Irish due to the setting of ga-IE, but that the administrator needs to set the culture to en-IE for an English calendar. This is because the DateTimePicker takes its language and formatting settings from the system's regional and language settings.
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Viewing Remote Users Through UAGs with ControlUp Real Time DX/Solve
The user was unable to use ControlUp Real Time DX/Solve to view remote users connecting through UAGs. After resolving an issue to get the Universal EUC Sync Script working, this user is now looking for a way to view historical data of specific UAGs connections. Currently, the data is only available in real-time and historical data can be made by using the Export-CUQuery in PowerShell, exporting the relevant fields and sending it to PowerBI, Splunk, or Tableau to build a report. Link to documentation: https://support.controlup.com/docs/add-horizon-integration and https://support.controlup.com/docs/export-cuquery.
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Stress Testing Tool Recommendations for Generating High Usage in ControlUp
A user asked for recommendations on stress testing tools and generating high CPU/RAM/network usage. Suggestions offered included Notepad for increasing memory, CPUStress, LoadGen, SimLoads from eucscore, a PowerShell script for maxing out all but one of the CPU cores, and a Linux command to generate a single thread of stress. The G0-EUC team use LoadGen for their research and the post also provided a link to their testing methodology.
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Could Language Regional Settings Cause ALD Script Output Errors in ControlUp?
A user had a problem with an ALD script that showed an output with a duration of 83000 seconds and Logon end in the future. It was suggested that the problem could come from different language regional settings in the console and the target machine, with the decimal separator (e.g. 36,00) being sent to the machine as text and being misinterpreted. The Desktop Load Time could also be an issue and it was suggested to look for an anomalous value in the Windows Shell line.
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Targeting Scripts to Specific Devices with ControlUp
It is possible to have a script with a system or user trigger run on certain device groups or tagged devices by checking the tags/groups within the script itself. The 'COMPUTERNAME' environment variable can be used to target devices, and the 'SIPDEVICEGROUP' environment variable can filter by Edge DX device group. A device_group text file stored locally can also be used, although the script will still run on all devices before stopping after the check is made. More details can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/scripting-guide#targeting-a-script-at-a-specific-device.
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Can Controlup call an executable or script on Mac?
A user asked if they can use Controlup to call and run an executable or script on a Mac. The product manager said they will open a support ticket and share their ideas with the Product Manager for Edge DX. The team suggested a workaround of using Bash as the script language but starting Script with #!/usr/bin/env swift.
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Error “Invoke-RestMethod : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel” in ControlUp Scoutbees
The user was trying to add scouts using the API but encountered an error message. Dennis suggested adding the TLS setting `$AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols` which resolved the issue.
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New script that with CVAD + Teams troubleshooting help
A user suggested creating a new script to resolve issues with Teams by clearing the cache, running a bat file to kill Teams processes, delete the cache folder, and restart Teams in the public desktop for easy user access. An EdgeDX script already exist that does this. ControlUp does not have user initiated scripts, but the bat file can be dropped on their desktop. The EdgeDX script can be found below.
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