A user asked about testing file share availability which can be done wtih a Shell Scout - this can be done using a PowerShell script that checks the share and exits with a code != 0 if it fails. To handle permission access issues, a PowerShell script can be amended by adding a credential to the test-path command. More information can be found at: https://support.controlup.com/docs/shell-execution and https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/powertip-test-the-presence-of-a-remote-share-by-using-powershell/.
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Synthetic Monitoring Related Training & Support Archives
Synthetic Monitoring training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with ControlUp and Scoutbees
A user asked about using Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) for Scoutbees with ControlUp, discussing external and internal scouts, static tokens, and options such as TOTP. Phone call verification and SMS-based MFA are both supported, as well as TOTP and static codes. Documentation was described as "clear as mud".
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Read the entire article here...
Help getting started with ControlUp – Real Time DX, Solve, & Scoutbees
A user asked for help with designing an environment created for a ControlUp project. Yair suggested a documentation link and ControlUp Academy to better understand the process. ControlUp stencils from two years ago were shared and a new set of brand new icons was suggested to be created for the community as part of the onboarding process. The link to ControlUp Academy is: https://cuacademy.controlup.com/course-catalog/.
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Read the entire article here...
Customization options available for ControlUp Scoutbees Daily Digest,
A user suggested having customization options available for Scoutbees Daily Digest such as sorting by failure rate or tag. They suggested using the Scoutbees API with Microsoft Power Automate, to which another user suggested even if the alerts create an event on the Hive Server, they could use ControlUp for alerts and automation. A blog on using the Scoutbees API with Microsoft Power Automate can be found at https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/entry/how-to-use-the-scoutbees-api-with-microsoft-power-automate/.
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Read the entire article here...
How to Configure ControlUp Alert Policy via API
A user asked about configuring an alert policy via API. Other users reported that the request has been raised multiple times in an internal ScoutBees channel and a connection was made to the ScoutBees PM, Ehud. The user was thanked for the feedback and it was reported that the request could be targeted for 2H23.
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Read the entire article here...