A user asked if there was any benefit to running both RemoteDX and EdgeDX in addition to each other. They are completely different, with RemoteDX adding extra metrics to VDI sessions and EdgeDX focused on corporate physical endpoints. Though each offers different data, there is benefit in drilling down from RemoteDX to the device in EdgeDX. Real-Time DX and Edge DX are two different products, so EdgeDX data is not viewable in Real-Time DX but Solve and DEX provide this data in the same web interface.
Read the entire ‘The Benefit of Running RemoteDX and EdgeDX Together’ thread below:
IS there any benefit to running remote dx in addition to edge dx?
they’re completely different, remote dx adds metrics ro realtime for VDI sessions also from non managed devices while Edge DX is all about corporate physical endpoints
you have a max amount of devices you can deploy edge dx to: the license count. We couldn’t care less if you deploy the remote dx plugin to a million machines, as long as you don’y go over the license count for sessions/machines in the real-time dx console
Does remote dx give you anything edge dx does not? Both seem to show latency etc.
Edge DX is easier to use with, remote DX is pain to drill down to
it doesn’t but you don’t get the edge dx data visible in realtime dx so there’s no direct relation to the vdi/rds/avd session
edge dx data is not in realtime?
latency etc
not in realtime dx
the irony, edge dx date is NOT realtime in realtime dx 🙂
it’s 2 different products Real-Time DX and Edge DX so no you would never get Edge DX data in Real-Time DX
Solve gives you them in 1 web interface and DEX will bring them even closer but it’s still different sources
is the remote dx session disconnect bug fixed?
depends on which bug, which version etc support knows best as I don’t keep track of all bugs
i will raise a case
@member There is one major benefit of having both: You can drilldown from RemoteDX popup to the physical device in EdgeDX
Yeah, so people do run both on endpoints. Our staff typically only launch Citrix from their laptops however EdgeDX is useful sometimes. The product offering currently has a lot of overlap and so many different UI’s its a mess.
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