Multiple ControlUp users discuss the best trigger to use for deleting a specific file shortly after a machine is booted. Suggestions include using a scheduled task or event ID based trigger. The file causing the issue is a OneDriveStandAloneUpdater.exe, which consumes a large amount of cache space when running. The preferred trigger is determined to be a scheduled task set to run a few minutes after machine startup.
Read the entire ‘The Best Trigger for Removing a File After Boot Up in ControlUp’ thread below:
Looking to create a trigger that will run a script to delete a file (application automatic updater exe) shortly after the machine is booted and online. Which trigger is the best to use for this? I could do a schedule based trigger but not sure if thats the best way. Thoughts? Experiences? Thanks!
Wondering if an event id based trigger could work. E.g. trigger when the logon process completes, e.g. when explorer.exe starts?
@member this is more your territory because I think we use 4688 explorer.exe start in the analyze logon duration script
booted != logon. Are we talking CU for VDI or Desktops here? For the former I would set a trigger uptime greater or equal to 30 seconds or so. For the latter I would use at system startup
advanced > machine
I’m aware that booted is not the same as logon. It could still be a valid way. It all depends on how "time sensitive" the removal of the file is. Also when the file gets created. We need to know a little bit more about this exe file before we can really say what the best trigger is
This is for VDI. The exe is a OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe.
When it runs it will consume ~5gb or so of the cache disk. It’s not clear to me when it kicks itself off exactly but seems to be within the first hour or less.
Ultimately we’ll solve this with a vdisk update but am looking for something short term to help out.
@member what do you think?
easy one, asap after computer start but I would not be surprised if MS recreates it when onedrive itself starts
it is a scheduled task btw that onedrive will recreate when you disable it or just creates new ones whenever it wants as you can see here
Looking on the test machine, It ran the task 5 minutes after the machine booted up. Looks like it runs once a day. Is there a minimum delay between when a machine comes online and monitor can send an automated action to it?
From another machine, if that exe is missing, the task fails triumphantly.
closing the loop.
This trigger seems to be working well.
I found it in the archives of this wonderful place.
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