As I prepared to write this, I sat back. I tried to think of another company’s blog that was as technical, deep, and truly useful in showing the value their software brings and diving deep and leaving the reader more educated with actionable results. I can only think of one, AND the ControlUp Blog!
With that in mind, I recommend adding the ControlUp Blog to your reading list. The caliber of knowledge they’re disseminating is commendable. If you utilize RSS, consider adding us. Alternatively, you can follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter to stay informed. You can also join the ControlUp Community.
We’re proud to have distinguished authors such as Tom Fenton, Jeff Johnson, Sam Legrand, Dr. Benny Tritsch, and the outstanding Trentent Tye. Wow!
Below are just a few recommended articles recently posted to the ControlUp Blog:
- Desktop lifecycle with Microsoft Intune and ControlUp Edge DX
- Three New Dashboards to Proactively Monitor the Health of your Desktops and Applications
- File Transfer Is Now Available in Edge DX!
- Azure Virtual Desktop Monitoring Made Easy with ControlUp
- Prevent Tickets: Network Performance Dashboard
- Analyze, Manage, and Troubleshoot Microsoft FSLogix Profile Container with ControlUp
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting FSLogix Profile Containers with ControlUp
- Top 7 Reasons Customers choose Edge DX
- The ControlUp Scoutbees API – Integration with CI/CD pipeline
Good stuff, great tech. To find more and stay current, visit the ConotrllUp Blog’s Home Page.
Categories: Blog, ControlUp for Desktops, ControlUp Synthetic Monitoring