A discussion was held about being able to trigger an action based on the number of connection failures for a specific server. It was suggested to add a column in the Real Time Console to display the number of Citrix connection failures, which could then be used to create triggers. The user also asked about improved local host cache monitoring and the possibility of bringing it into the product. The ControlUp support team mentioned some relevant resources and offered to discuss further during an upcoming meeting.
Read the entire ‘Triggering Actions based on Specific Server Connection Failures in ControlUp Real Time Console.’ thread below:
We use Citrix cloud and have setup the cloud connection in the real-time console… Is there a way to create a trigger based on a connection failure number to a specific server?
I think the only built in metric we have is connection failure per delivery group / folder, and not individual servers. But adding @member and @member for more accurate answers and ideas
Being able to break it down to a specific server and trigger on that would be EXTREMELY powerful.
hopefully we can get some feedback this week from @member and @member
@member so the ask is .. specific monitoring for the cloud connector you’ve installed in your environment (be that on-premises, or in the a public cloud) .. right?
You want "tell me when one or more of my cloud connectors has barfed?"
..and you’ve installed the CU agent on said cloud connector instance?
@member – No. Occasionally we’ll have an issue where there’s a specific Citrix server in our fleet that for some reason is causing a high number of connection failures. We can see that specific server in our Citrix consoles with X number of failures over the past hour for instance. If we had a column inside the Real time console / DEX that said "Citrix connection failures" and had a number associated with it (being pulled from our citrix farm), we could create triggers with an automated action behind it to mitigate the issue. We connect our Citrix cloud instance in the console so I assume this data is available for ControlUp to display. To answer your other questions… no we don’t need to know when a cloud connector has barfed as that’s not something we encounter, we have triggers that monitor the event logs for specific ID’s related to the functionality there however. We do have the CU agent on the cloud connectors obviously.
ok.. well, we have connection failures now as a column, that’s user focused mind.. but that would at least give you an level of heads up.
https://support.controlup.com/docs/machine-view-actions ..
We’re doing some work on session failure. There is quite a comprehensive script, and we’re looking to bring that into product.
There is also had an ask on improved LHC monitoring based on https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-daas/manage-deployment/local-host-cache.html#config-synchronizer-service .. would that be handy?
I very much appreciate you using "barfed" btw – up with that sort of thing 🙂
I understand we’ve a meeting coming up… but obvs, if we can prep/discuss before then – that’d be awesome.
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