A user asked if an alert from Scoutbees can trigger a ControlUp automated action. It was suggested to run scripts using ControlUp Automation to interact with Scoutbees. An idea was proposed to create an error log in the events, and for ControlUp RealTime to trigger an automation from that event. Additionally, writing a script to either put the server into maintenance mode or reboot was considered. ControlUp RealTime currently only has the ability to execute native actions through PowerShell commandlets and the follow up actions can call web hooks.
Read the entire ‘Triggering ControlUp Automation with Scoutbees Alerts’ thread below:
Hi, anyone know if a scoutbees alert can be set up to run a ControlUp automated action? Thanks
You can run scripts using shell externtions
With Controlup automation you could interact with scoutbees via API bbut not sure going the other way
but yes i would love it if a Scout alert was triggered so that you could run a script from Controlup that would bring scoutbees to the next level
I’d have to look and test but if an event is logged on the hive for a failure you could use the agent to pick it up and fire an automation.
Could have it create and error log in the events maybe… then have CU run on the event log
Me and landon had same idea
yeah if u could create an event with details in it on the hive would be perfect but currently that not there or please corrcet me
Nope but the shell exec can write a log 😉
thats interesting and can u put deteils from the alert in it?
You can use Web hook notification in the alert policy:
CU realtime can’t accept web hooks.
Loving this community. Thanks for all the help so far 👍
A shell scout is nothing more than running a script on a schedule and getting the return code.
The scrip could do the check you want AND write an error to the event log if a failure is detected and add the needed data to the event.
@member next version of CU reaktime can i think
From there realtime can trigger on that event and run your automation.
Pretty sure that’s going to be monitor PowerShell commandlets, not web hooks.
actually no i thinks its send webhooks im thinking
Commandlets that will execute the native actions. Kinda weird but that’s what I heard the plan is. Scripts to run native actions… 😂
The follow up actions can call web hooks.
There is no place in realtime to “accept” webhooks.
Ok, so what about some kind of middleware (a service running on the machine with cuagent/minitor and exposing an endpoint – must be available from the world) that in event of accepted POST creates an alert on the machine’s event viewer, and a webhook based notification coming from scoutbees alert the sending data to this endpoint.
And then, trigger an sba if this event is appears on the machine.
Actually, thinking about it, if your going to use a shell scout to fire an automation in realtime, you might as well just use a scheduled trigger in realtime to fire the automation and do the same check you would have done in the shell scout.
no what i would wan to is a scout fails run a script to maybe put a server into maintence mode or reboot
or some action to check and resolve the issue
Sure, I get it. My thought though is she’ll scouts vs schedule triggers are pretty much the same thing.
if it was that easy 🙂 we would not need scoutbees
would be a useful feature
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