A user had trouble adding a host in the Console, receiving the error "The RPC server is unavailable". Suggestions included checking all necessary firewall ports were open and unchecking the ‘Deploy agent automatically’ setting in the agent settings, which solved the issue. It is advised that the latest version of .Net Framework (4.8) is installed to ensure compatibility. The latest On-prem version of ControlUp available is
Read the entire ‘Trouble Adding Host to ControlUp Console Solved by Unchecking "Deploy Agent Automatically" Setting’ thread below:
Hi All,
Can anyone please advise on the below?
I am trying to add a host through the console but keep getting the error below.
the host is running the latest .Net Framework. Also checked RPC service and it appears running as expected.
Using the Console I can RDP to the host in question without any errors.
Validating .Net Framework 4.5
Error occurred while tring to check if DotNet 4.5 is installed on [TEST-HOST.Com](http://TEST-HOST.Com).
Failed to check if DotNet Framework is installed on [TEST-HOST.Com](http://TEST-HOST.Com)
Failed to contact ‘[TEST-HOST.Com](http://TEST-HOST.Com)’ using WMI with the following error:
The RPC server is unavailable.
In order to assure correct WMI connectivity, please make sure that the following command can be invoked successfully from this machine:
wmic /NODE:"TEST-HOST.Com" SERVICE list full
in my experience, most failures are caused by local firewall on the target device.
also, did you try running that command on the target PC?it doesn’t necessarily mean that .NET Framework 4.5 is missing. Please check if all necessary firewall ports are open on the remote machine. https://support.controlup.com/docs/communication-ports-used-by-controlup-hybrid-cloud-1
Plan B would be to manually install the agent on the host to bypass the WMI and RPC FW rules but you will still need TCP 40705 to connect to it from the console.
wghat version are u using, .net 4.8 is needed on the new version
but yes you need to open the WMI and RCP communicationsHello, I have the same issue with my On-Premise solution. I installed the agent on a VM, the firewall port 40705 is allowed on the client. But when I add it in the RT Console (On-prem), it failed with RPC error message… My RPC service seems to be started.
@member did u valiate the Communication ports are open for WMI and RPC
as shown by @member above
Only the 40705 is opened (RPC and WMI disable in my customer’s environment). I manually installed the agent using the authkey provided in the console.
you can’t manually deploy the monitor you will need to open the console on the moritor servers and deploy
without WMI and RPC you can’t remotely deploySorry, we are misunderstanding 😅
I have the same issue as shown when I add a machine in my Real Time Console. The agent on the VM was manually deployed.
Concerning the monitor, the installation was done succesfully and I have a functionnal monitor in my infra.
ahh ok so is the agent not communicating? I’m missing something to the actual issue you having?
Yes it’s the communication between the agent on a client VM and the console Real Time
is 4.5 installed on the device with the agent
should be if it installed.It’s the latest one : 4.8.
what version on Controlup u got
Might not be compatable with 4.8Also the latest On-prem available :
you should be coverd i think u need supportany chance u have auto deply enabled in the agent settings
those two settingsThanks @member, that was the 1st setting “Deploy agents automatically” that was checked ! I forgot to uncheck it. Many thanks !
let me know if that helps 🙂 curious
Hello and thank you @member
I can connect to my client right now by using ControlUp Real Time console. Still having trouble with Solve which is displaying error when it tries to reach the agents… But this is another topic.
@member happy days
thanks all for your response – I’d forgotten to uncheck "Deploy agent automatically". This has now been corrected and I’ve added the machine that previously had issues.
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