A user had setup ControlUp Solve / Edge access for help desk guys, however they weren’t seeing the same controls on their Edge machines as the user could. Checked permissions as a suggestion, the user found that the permissions were set under Edge DX. They only had the viewer role, which resolved the issue. Access can be found in Edge via Solve Configuration > Access Control, and Solve has manager & non-admin security policies.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Solve/Edge Access for Help Desk Guys’ thread below:
i set up our help desk guys w/ Solve/Edge access and working except they are not seeing all the same controls for Edge machines like i do here….they only see “notes” as an option. not quite sure what i’m missing for them …any ideas?
this is what they are seeing
Check the permissions
where would i set that permission specifically though? somewhere in Solve/Edge or in the realtime console?
In edge dx
Not near a computer so cant show it
all good! interesting…..so i’m the only one listed in there but all of our help desk guys can get in there so must be default viewer rights so i’ll mess around in there! thank you!
yup that was it! didnt know that was there! thanks
If you get into Edge via Solve, then Edge will assign the permissions under configuration > access control
Solve distinguishes between Solve manager (has “manage solve” security policy permission) and non-admin (only has “use solve” security policy permission)
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