A user is looking for a list of failure descriptions for EUC Scouts when configuring alerting policies. Another user explains that errors correspond to different stages of connecting to EUC sessions and shares a helpful article for reference. The first user is grateful and mentions they have scouts running and will open a support ticket to ensure their settings are correct.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting EUC Scout Failure Descriptions’ thread below:
Morning, Looking for a list of Failure descriptions for EUC scouts. I am configuring alerting policies for my EUC scouts. I have these already, but if there is a full list somewhere that would be helpful to reference when building up the policies. Thanks in advance!
Hey Edward, the errors correspond with the different stages of connecting to an EUC session, e.g. Citrix or Horizon. If one of those stages can’t complete, it will give you an error related to that stage.
For example, for Citrix, this article gives you a good idea of the connection flow, which as you can see matches the different stages we report on https://support.citrix.com/s/article/CTX236889-launching-process-of-published-apps-and-desktops-for-the-internal-network-through-citrix-storefront?language=en_US
The last step "Session ready" is when the scout successfully established the launch. @member what do we check to determine if launch was successful? I think there’s something we check in the device eventlog that determines completion of the logon?
Thank you! I have a couple of scouts going now. Testing both internal and cloud endpoints. Had some failures over the weekend i am trying to troubleshoot to see if its just a setting in the test or something happening on the backend. The tests are running at 5min intervals, which i think might the cause.. I’ll open up a ticket with support to make sure i have my settings right.
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