The user wasn’t seeing any FSLX data and asked if the FSLogix Service values were populated, the agent was on the latest build and manage columns had been added. After checking, they were informed NA meant something had gone wrong and an agent log would be needed.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting FSLX Data With ControlUp Agent Logs’ thread below:
Monday Brain. I’m not seeing any FSLX data
You running a supported version of FSLogix? Connected to the agent in the tree?
Shows ready so I assume you are connected to the agent.
yes, these are cloudcache fslx profiles
What do you have in the machines view for FSLogix Service? Any of these populated?
CUAgent is on the latest build?
i see no FSLX columns
Do you see them in Manage Columns?
yes, i just added them
they all say N/A
NA seems to indicate it failed to pull the data. Either the agent isn’t on 8.8 or something went horribly wrong and we would need an agent log.
ok, thx
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