The user asked if the Real-Time DX should show machines with their Horizon Maintenance Mode Status for easy filtering, but the column didn’t reflect a state change as expected. The RT console must be connected to the Horizon Connection Brokers API in order to display this information – this was confirmed by two other users, who had both made the same mistake previously. The link for integration can be found at
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Horizon Maintenance Mode Status Display in Real-Time DX’ thread below:
I’m just getting into some of the columns in Real-Time DX with Horizon and I want to show machines with their HZ Maintenance Mode status for easy filtering. The first device in maintenance mode but the column doesn’t reflect a state change. My understanding is it should show True/False. Am I missing something?
do you have the EUC configured and connected
Indeed, the RT console / Monitor Cluster must be connected to the Horizon Connection Brokers API in order to display this information –
Ah thank you both. I have the EUC environment configured but wasn’t connected in Real-Time.
i mad e that mistake so many times
its the one question i always get asked by my team and customers
Happy to keep the trend up 🙂
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