Discussions regarding reports for installed printers took place in the ControlUp Slack channel. A script from the Edge DX script library was suggested as a solution, along with a section with SIP_EVENT tags and information in the script guide. It was mentioned that the script may need to be configured and checked for the overwrite checkbox in order to display properly. Various suggestions for displaying the information in the UI were also given.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Reports for Installed Printers in ControlUp’ thread below:
Also, any reports that show installed printers?
I’m currently not at my desk but there might be one in the Edge DX script library for this?
ahh amazing
thank you!
There is also a bitlocker one there that may have some info your after.
awesome. where should it display?
If your referring to the TPM one, in a new index called tpm_bitlocker.
can you display this in the ui or only api?
Add a section with SIP_EVENT tags if you like and you can send an event to the machines events tab.
Examples in the script guide Wouter linked.
weird. I think this should display, since it shows it on the script but this is blank
The script isn’t sending it to the device events. Its sending it to the printers index. The sample is misconfigured as you need to check the box for the index name to send the data to.
Its only if it errors does it write a device event.
hmm ok so I need to check the overwrite box?
Ohh, nm… Thats the overwrite checkbox. You should see a new index in the Data section.
ok can I view that in the UI somehow then?
Via a custom report, yes.
the output
sorry this is all kinda new to me with the edgedx stuff
Hm, they’re all in one field
And you probably do want to overwrite actually. If not you get multiple records for the same machine and you would have to then pull just the latest one for each machine to get an accurate list. Much easier if you overwrite as there will be one record per machine with the latest output.
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