A user was having trouble with script actions in Solve, and it was suggested to check the permissions for the "ControlUp Monitors" role. After some testing, it was determined that there may be a bug causing the issue, and a workaround was found by setting the "run shared script actions" permission to allow for organization members. Direct messages were then used to further discuss environment-specific information.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Script Actions in ControlUp Solve’ thread below:
Hi folks! Hopefully this is something simple I’ve missed on my end. Any idea why most of my script actions will work in the Console but fail in Solve? I get the below error, tried with accounts in different roles and the permissions all look correct.
To help troubleshoot myself, I gave all roles in my org permissions to run user script actions, such as Fslogix log parser, but keep getting the same thing. Other actions such as send message, get screenshot, kill process all work but the scripts just keep failing.
The "ControlUp Monitors" role needs the permission to the SBA in order to allow the monitors to run the actions.
That’s actually something I did change earlier. Will log off my sessions and test again
Ohh, sorry, this is from Solve and not an automated action.
Seems the Solve user doesn’t have permission. Try adding the action to the Organization Members role as a test.
Note that Solve does not consider the “local admin” virtual role while the console does
@member already had all script actions allowed.
@member do you mean by that it ignores the "Local Admins" setting and applies whatever is set on the other roles. If so I thought of this and have set an "Allow" on all script actions for every role just for testing
For anyone else reading along. We took this to direct messages to discuss environment specific information. But long story short, this was likely due to a bug.
Working around it by setting “run shared script actions” to allow for organization members solved the issue until the environment can be upgraded.
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