The user was trying to run the “Send message to Horizon user” from the community script using a trigger but received an UAC error. Solutions such as disabling UAC from the Control Panel and making sure the Horizon pod was in the same ControlUp site as the agent machines were suggested. Additionally, the user had to generate Horizon creds on each Monitor server individually. The issue was eventually resolved.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting "Send Message To Horizon User" Script Error’ thread below:
I’m attempting to run the “Send message to Horizon user” from the community script. The test works if I run the script form the console. But when I enable a trigger to use this action, I receive an error that says “Automation action execution failed run because User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on this computer which is running ControlUP Monitor.” – I disabled UAC on the monitors (as the action is set to run on the monitor/console).
Make sure the user configured to run the script doesn’t have a session on the monitor
It’s the same user that runs the Horizon inventory scripts, etc. but it doesn’t have a console/rdp session on the monitor.
What happens if you select other and than the monitor?
Just changed it to a specific machine (our first monitor) and waiting for a user to trigger the latency
Now it fails a manual action, even though the monitor worked before when set to use Console/Monitor
Setting the script execution back to “ControlUp Console/Monitor” allows it to work manually. But then I’m back to the odd UAC error from the trigger
On all your monitors, please check that the following key is either not present or set to 0.
Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
Value: EnableLUA
if this key is set to 1, the monitor will show that error message
That fixed it
I disabled UAC from Control Panel.
Okay – that didn’t fix it entirely. I think there’s an issue with the cred files not existing on the other monitors.
I’m getting “The script did not get enough arguments from the Console. The Console or Monitor may not be connected tot he Horizon View environment, please check this.”
Do you have multiple sites configured within controlup?
If yes are the pods configured for the same site as the agent machines? And do you see the EUC environments in solve?
yes multiple sites
Yes I see the EUC env’s in Solve
I don’t follow the Queston about pods configured for the same site as the agent machines
The agent machines are configured for a ControlUp site. The horizon euc pod that contains that machine has to be in the same controlup aite
Ah, yes. We have two pods. Two sites. The EUC pods are configured for “DC1A” or “DC1B”, same as the agents
And in solve you see the primary connection server for those machines? (that’s probably the missing metric)
On mobile here so can’t do too much so you might need to open a support ticket
It has the primary connection server listed.
I’ve opened a ticket, just trying to solve it today
Do you have to generate the horizon creds on each Monitor server individually?
For the “Send message to Horizon user” script at least
And you can’t copy the file as that would break.
Indeed, I copied the files first and that didn’t work. But I did then setup the creds and install the helper. It works now
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