There is a trigger set to run on Monitors and the user encountered an error while it’s running. One suggestion was to check the security context and make sure the relevant account is logged off from the server where the monitor is installed. Logging off the account logged into the server resolved the issue.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Triggers for ControlUp Monitors’ thread below:
Hello All,
I have a trigger that is set to execute on Monitors. Assuming the trigger will run on any available monitors for redundancy.
I have 2 running monitors
When Script that is being used by the trigger ran manually, on the servers where monitors are installed, it works on both servers
But when trigger triggers I am getting an error : System.Exception: Failed to get environment block
what is the security context set for this script? As in, what credentials is it set to use?
shared account with admin rights (if that is what you are asking)
Is that account logged in to that server?
yes the account is logged in to both servers where monitors are installed.
is it relevant?
Yes. The trigger should work if you log the user off
Sorry Dennis, if i understood you correctly, you are saying that i need to log out from the server with the monitor installed in order for trigger to work?
For example.
Script security context is set to use account CUDemo\Dennis
Monitor01 has user CUDemo\Dennis logged in
The script action will fail with "Failed to get environment block"
Log CUDemo\Dennis off from monitor01, and it’ll work
great, let me try
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