Users discuss setting up a web transaction in Scoutbees. One user successfully records the session but gets a pop-up about missing data when trying to test it. They mention testing in an EUC environment and trying from both custom and cloud hives. Another user suggests the issue could be related to the username or password field and encourages them to open a support ticket. The discussion includes screenshots of the error message and suggests upgrading to the newest hive.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Web Transactions in Scoutbees’ thread below:
Setting up a web transaction in Scoutbees. I successfully was able to record the session. But when i go test it, I get the pop up that i am missing data in required field, but there is no indication what is missing. I am creating a Web Transaction for my EUC environment while we figure out some internal security roadblocks. I have the debug running on the hive, but I don’t see any information being logged on setups of scouts. Before i reach out to support, i figured i would post here first. Thanks!
When you say, EUC environment, what are you actually testing? What is the "transaction" (little overview of what platform and steps).
Additional questions: are you testing this from a custom hive or cloud hive?
Hi Joel, Yeah so i am just testing logging into our environment and clicking the favorite star icon for a published app. I have tried this from both custom and cloud hives. I get the same red pop up telling me i am missing required data.
Citrix right? Let me see if i can repro
Getting the same error
And it won’t let me save it
yup.. i get the same thing… won’t let me save it. I am going to try a different URL (non-euc) and see if that works.
Just did, seems to work
I’m wondering if one of the types of steps is causing it
Maybe the enter step
hmmm is there a way to log the test and see where it is erroring out?
That’s what the test button is for lol
oh.. well i think we need verbose on lol
I’m trying to eliminate steps 1 by 1
Looks like it’s related to the username or password field
Can you please open a support ticket
will do! thank you for taking a look.. appreciate the help
Put in the ticket that I reproed
They know how to find me
i just upgraded to the newest hive to see if URLs with :port numbers work. and i get a similar error::
I think I’ve seen that one before. I believe it’s a different error
I mean, besides the error being different, it’s also a different issue (or maybe by design, need to see if I can find it)
I think it’s the issue where test urls can’t have :port number
Right. But that’s not my error. It’s something about one of the steps. Mine doesn’t have a port. It’s my external gateway
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