The discussion covered understanding bandwidth Limit, what it is related to, and how it differs from Speed Test. It was suggested RemoteDX or Edge can be used to run periodic bandwidth tests and determine the type of tests to run. It was also suggested that bandwidth limit is stored historically and that what factors need to be considered when measuring latency and disconnections.
Read the entire ‘Understanding Bandwidth Limit and How it Differs from Speed Test’ thread below:
The bandwidth Limit is that only related to between the device and the router
Its based on the end to end connection.
so if there is an issue it could be on my nextwork or the Corptare lan
In theory. RemoteDX can help with that.
tats what i am trying to learn how to do 🙂 us remotedx to determine
We have also used Edge to run a periodic bandwidth test on the endpoints.
what type of tests can u run
Basically you run that and send the output to an Edge index.
I’ll see if I can dig up the full code.
hmm must have good my resrach wrong as didn’t think speed test was related to bandth as when i previous ran a speed was always alot highrt than the bandth
Its just another metric pulled straight from the Citrix perfmon counters. We just show what its reporting.
speed test is alright. Remember that bandwidth limit is what the remoting protocol (ICA/HDX in your case) determines the bandwidth to be.
A few things to consider:
- Remoting protocol is an estimation. The whole point of these estimations is to NOT flood your connection. Which Speedtest does do. The remoting protocols are testing how wide your traffic lanes are without causing a traffic jam by jamming the lanes with traffic.
- Routing. Speedtest will use a server as close to you as possible. Your Citrix server is probably a bit further away.
All in all bandwidth limit is just another tool. 21mbit is probably fine
What you really want to wonder is why this device has 17 milliseconds delay between itself and the first hop
would not wory about the actual Screen as i think my BB is messed up at the moment
just enagaging with costomers more on RemoteDX and at times wee see users with issue that latency is good bandwith limit may just drop
and the user will get disconnected
usera are remote and some ob corprate lan
can seem to see or dertmine when the banwith limit will just drop
no edgeDX to help see more data on the device
Bandwidth limit is stored historically.
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