A discussion about the measuring and meaning of "capacity" in ControlUp Administration took place, with links to related documentation. ControlUp monitors at a site have a total capacity and a used capacity, which can be configured from the console. More information can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/90-actions-for-controlup-monitor-management and https://support.controlup.com/docs/en/sizing-guidelines-for-controlup-v8-x
Read the entire ‘Understanding Capacity in ControlUp Administration’ thread below:
What exactly is this measuring? Sites or Monitors? What does it mean, "capacity"? This is under ControlUP Administration in DEX.
total capacity for the monitors in that site see https://support.controlup.com/docs/en/sizing-guidelines-for-controlup-v8-x a monitor of 8/32 has a size of 4000 by default but this can be configured from the console but the capacity per monitor is that number. The used capacity is visible in both weigth metrics
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