A user asked what the Device>Controls column does, and others suggested it shows installed but disabled antivirus and deployment products. The user was unsure if Secure DX was accurately displaying the status of Carbon Black. Other users suggested checking services and data being pulled from the device, and to contact support if necessary. Screenshots were shared.
Read the entire ‘Understanding the Device Controls Column and Troubleshooting Carbon Black with ControlUp’ thread below:
Does anyone know what Device>Controls column actually does. In my instance it’s showing a mixture of ManageEngine, Microsoft Firewall and Carbon Black (for endpoint protection). Carbon Black shows a pop-out window when hovering over the icon which reads: “Carbon Black Response – Disabled.
appears to show AV and Patching\MDM products.
The service for this product on the device is disabled. You can navigate into the device and check under the controls tab.
can you post a screenshot?
mine reports accurately
Thanks Luke – that’s what I thought. Interesting that Carbon Black is shown as “Disabled” when it definitely isn’t.
i assume that is telling that carbon black is installed but disabled on the device
I’d open a call with support and ask what it is looking to determine if enabled or Disabled
@member could prob tell if he is around
Is it showing as disabled in both locations (tool tip and under device -> security controls tab)? Just to exclude that it’s not a UI tool tip bug
The presence of the icon means it’s installed. But if you go to services, is the carbon black service running? (I don’t have CB so not sure what it’s called)
Hi Joel, It’s showing disabled in both locations. It’s installed and running (in services) on all my devices but for some reason Secure DX isn’t picking this up. I’m wondering whether there is some configuration that’s required either in ControlUp or Carbon Black?
Joel more in the know than me 🙂 will leave to him :homerdance:
Please check the data that Edge DX is pulling from the device. Go to the device data from Edge, navigate to the services tab, filter for CB service, and see what the service status is there. Also, please take a look at when the device was last seen.
Hi Eldad, Thanks for your reply. OK, I’ve gone to one of my devices – there are two services for Carbon Black: CbDefense & CbDefenseWSC both are running. The device is shown as live and reported back in the last 30 minutes.
Thanks Christian.
Can you share screenshot from this screen?
Thanks, I will take care of it and update.
Please let me know if the status has changed.
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